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The Fight Against the Mine - Letter and Article Collection

Download a PDF to see a collection of over 265 letters to the editor and almost 100 articles published during the fight against the mine.


What a journey it has been! Rise Gold first submitted the application to re-open the Idaho-Maryland Mine in Grass Valley 2019. Initially, few knew about it. But as word spread, the community started weighing in by submitting letters and opinion pieces to the local newspaper, The Union.

By 2024, opposition to the mine united our community like no other topic in recent decades. Conservatives and liberals alike weighed in against the mine. It seems that air, water, and quality of life are bipartisan topics!

In the PDF file below, we've collected over 265 letters and opinion pieces that were submitted to The Union Newspaper from the beginning of the fight against the Idaho-Maryland Mine through February 1. 93% of them are against the mine (248 vs 19). There are also almost 100 newspaper articles from The Union, YubaNet, and others of note.

Thank you to EVERYONE in the community who contributed. What an amazing community we have!

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