We won a pivotal victory! All five Planning Commissioners voted unanimously against the Idaho-Maryland Mine at the end of Nevada County's public hearing May 10 and 11!
They JUST SAID NO to the project and NO to the Environmental Impact Report (EIR)! Together we experienced two days of drama, culminating in not only a vote by the commissioners – but an earthquake too!
It seems Mother Nature herself felt compelled to vote against the mine – only 20 minutes after Commissioner McAteer asked why the EIR erased a fault line from the final project map!
Planning Commission No the Idaho-Maryland Mine | The Union

Phenomenal Show of Community Opposition
Perhaps the most impressive part of this story and that day is this community. Let’s face it – it really is like no other. Our collective experience and deep expertise are why we are effective.

Thank YOU…
Because YOU are why WE are winning!
Our presence at the meeting was a sight to behold:
Nearly 1,000 people attended the event, with over 900 “No Mine” attendance stickers handed out on the first day alone!
500 postcards signed in 7 hours
380 people grabbed tickets to speak
139 people commented across two days, 112 were opposed
Dozens of students attended from local schools (with permission from their schools)
9 hours of public comment
4 TV crews
4 food trucks
And one GREAT group photo!
Our numbers leading up to the meeting were just as impressive. We delivered:
A group letter from the 26 MineWatch Coalition organizations detailing the flaws in the Final Environmental Impact Report.
Over 5,500 petition signatures and proof that over 250 businesses signed on in opposition (including 100 realtors).
Huge stacks of paper containing some 1200 letters plus 600 “Just Say No” postcards submitted in the last 4 months alone.
A huge photomosaic banner made up of hundreds of faces of activists and community members holding “No Mine” signs.
202 no-mine opinion editorials in the Union
Over 1,000 petition signatures gathered by SYRCL (South Yuba River Citizen's League) at their recent Wild and Scenic Film Festival
Over 200 signatures on a group letter from the Wells Coalition - a group of directly-impacted well owners within roughly 1/2 mile of the mine's mineral rights area
More News
5.12.23 Rise Gold Reports Planning Commission Recommendation on Idaho-Maryland Mine Project (yahoo.com)
5.10.23 Fox News: Debate in Nevada County as company seeks to reopen mine -
5.10 Union: County chambers overflow with voices for and against the mine project (PHOTO GALLERY) | News | theunion.com
5.10 Union Video: Mine Meeting: Nevada County Planning Commission holds hearing on the Idaho-Maryland Mine (Video) | News | theunion.com
5.10 ABC 10: Nevada County Planning Commission holding public meeting on proposed gold mine | abc10.com
5.10 YubaNet: Planning Commission meeting goes into Day 2 - YubaNet
5.9 KCRA: Grass Valley could soon reopen its Idaho-Maryland Mine. Here’s why some want to stop it (kcra.com)