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Changing times: Rise Gold seeks approval from Nevada County, not Grass Valley council

Ready to learn more about the process? Reporter Rebecca O'Neil for The Union compares and contrasts Rise Gold's current proposal to reopen the mine vs. the emGold proposal in 2008. She also explores a variety of ways the Board of Supervisors could approve or deny aspects of the project.


When the first murmurings of reopening the Idaho-Maryland Mine began in 1991, EmGold Mining Corp. began pursuing project approval from the city of Grass Valley.

Thirty years later, Rise Gold Corp. is seeking that same green light from the Nevada County Board of Supervisors.

Nevada County’s Planning Director Brian Foss said although the mine’s visible parts are located outside of Grass Valley, the two parcels tethered to the project fall within the city’s sphere of influence.

According to the California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions, sphere of influence refers to a planning boundary beyond a legal boundary designating the agency’s imminent growth.

“That means that the city can choose to process a land use entitlement application through their staff, their City Council and annex the land into the city,” Foss said.

Foss, who has worked for the county since 2005, said Grass Valley opted into its optional leadership role for the previous mine project. However, the city chose not to be the lead processing agency when Rise Gold began pursuing the project in 2017.

Read the rest in The Union.

Rebecca O’Neil is a staff writer with The Union. She can be reached at

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