Browse through or search our library of expert and community articles, presentations, and opinion pieces.
The views and opinions expressed here are those of the original creators and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of CEA Foundation or the MineWatch campaign.
Why I’m Against Reopening the Idaho-Maryland Mine
Rise Gold Corp Proposes Massive Mine Waste Piles in Grass Valley
Concerns about the Rise Gold Corporation
A Preliminary Assessment of the Proposal to Reopen Idaho-Maryland Mine
Understanding the proposed re-operation of Idaho-Maryland Mine
Facing Superfund Designation, RISE Gold Compelled To Cleanup Existing Idaho-Maryland Mine Tailings
Canadian Firm Pushing to Reopen Idaho Maryland Mine
RISE has submitted an application to Nevada County to open the mine
Rise Gold Submits Permit Application to Reopen Idaho-Maryland Gold Mine
Another failing grade for Nevada County’s ‘State of the Air’ report
In March, 2018, RISE was cited for failing to obtain a Timberland Conversion Permit
Rise Gold - More Violations
Update of Rise Grading Violations
A New Mine Owner
Rise Resources Purchases Idaho-Maryland Gold Mine