Browse through or search our library of expert and community articles, presentations, and opinion pieces.
The views and opinions expressed here are those of the original creators and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of CEA Foundation or the MineWatch campaign.
David Briceno: Negative aspects of proposed mine considered
Peter Burnes: Enough gold for 600 years
Gianna Setoudeh: California can’t afford the Idaho-Maryland Mine
Marion Blair: Reopening the Idaho Maryland Mine will not bring hope for the earth
Marianne Boll-See: Local well owners organize in advance of meeting on proposed mine's reopening
Lou Douros: Will Ben Mossman be Convicted in Canada?
John Vaughan, The mine: It’s not about economics, it’s about risk
George Olive: Add a voice to 'No' on the mine
Concerned Citizens Roundtable: Idaho-Maryland Mine propaganda vs. the truth
Christy Hubbard: Wake up call for well owners near the mine
Bob Hubbard: Three gold mining stories tell different tales
Peter N. Brewer: Supervisors, do not be hoodwinked by the dazzling but false claims by Rise Gold
Opinion - David Brownstein: Mining Misinformation
SYRCL: California can’t afford the Idaho-Maryland Mine
MineWatch Coalition Final Comments on FEIR
Press Release: MineWatch Coalition Delivers Final Comments to Board of Supervisors
Deni Silberstein: Viewer Beware
Paul Schwartz: Incompatible uses
Off-site Sales of Mine Waste and the Idaho-Maryland Mine Final EIR
Jim Steinmann: Mine jobs – Harsh, few, and not for locals
Mine Waste and Asbestos Impacts
Why Say No To The Idaho-Maryland Mine?
Patricia Sharp: Save our town
Centennial Site: Understand The Issue