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Browse through or search our library of expert and community articles, presentations, and opinion pieces.
The views and opinions expressed here are those of the original creators and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of CEA Foundation or the MineWatch campaign.
The County should deny the Idaho-Maryland Mine and should not certify the Final EIR
The County's Final Environmental and Economic Impact Reports have been published. On May 11, 2023, the Planning Commission voted...
David Briceno: Negative aspects of proposed mine considered
"Putting gold back into “Gold Country” seems favorably nostalgic, but has unforeseen far-reaching repercussions. Is the town prepared to...
Marianne Boll-See: Local well owners organize in advance of meeting on proposed mine's reopening
"Grass Valley property owners gathered on Thursday evening to organize and sign a group letter from the Wells Coalition to present to...
Christy Hubbard: Wake up call for well owners near the mine
If you own a well near the Idaho-Maryland Mine, you should be deeply concerned. The proposed operation poses a serious threat to our...
SYRCL: California can’t afford the Idaho-Maryland Mine
The Idaho-Maryland Mine is in direct conflict with not only local climate goals and initiatives, including the County’s own General Plan,...
Wells and Groundwater Public Comments
CEA Foundation, San Juan Ridge Taxpayers Association, and The Wells Coalition (a group of well owners near the Idaho-Maryland Mine),...
Mine Waste and the Water Pollution Problem
The Final EIR for Rise Gold’s Idaho-Maryland Mine is inadequate because it fails to address the potentially significant impact of mine...
‘Without water, my property is worthless:’ Well owners want protection from Rise Gold Grass Valley
Well owners near the proposed Idaho-Maryland Mine are deeply concerned that the measures being taken to protect their only source of...
★ ‘Hung out to dry’: Well owners contend with Idaho-Maryland Mine report’s finding
Want to know why people are so worried about impacts to wells and groundwater? This Union article is a must-read. By Shira Moolten Eric...
A new gold rush pits money and jobs against California’s environment
Companies are seeking to open old mines and explore in new sensitive regions, amid resistance from Californians who want the Gold Rush to...
★ Community and Local Agencies find massive flaws in Idaho-Maryland Mine DEIR
Residents of Nevada County and local government agencies were shocked at the inadequacy of the 1000+ page Draft Environmental Impact...
DEIR Comments - Local Agencies - April 2022
Local agencies made extensive comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the proposed reopening of the Idaho-Maryland...
Geoff Eido: Wells Run Dry Official Music Video
Singer/songwriter Geoff Eido as he calls on citizens of Nevada County to learn more about the dangers of reopening a gold mine under...
Jonathan Keehn: The Siskon Mine well disaster - quick read
Reopening this local mine ruined wells over two square miles in San Juan Ridge. Months of flooding scoured a creek down to bedrock -...
Ralph Silberstein: DEIR and Rise Gold's Well Fantasies
CEA Foundation President, Ralph Silberstein weighs in on the DEIR, saying the issue is far from settled. "Looking into our crystal ball,...
★ Water For Gold Documentary Film
In this documentary, filmmakers Tom and Debra Weistar tell the story of nearby San Juan Ridge, where a mine shut down in the mid-90's...
Fast Facts: Risk to Wells
Watch a short video (4:30) featuring CEA Foundation President, Ralph Silberstein as he talks about the risks to wells in a MineWatch...
Letter of Concern to BOS Re: Rise Gold letter
Rise Gold's sent mailers and letters to the community that included misleading statements. Following is a copy of a letter CEA Foundation...
Press Release: Community Urges NID to put Safeguards in Place
After vigorous discussion and lengthy, detailed public comments, NID considered crafting an extensively conditioned resolution approving...
Safeguards for Well Owners and the Idaho-Maryland Mine- CEA Foundation
What should the County do to protect well owners if the mine reopens? A lot. This research report tells us what was done in the past and...
Groundwater Impacts - Dr. June Oberdorfer
Hydrogeologist Dr. June Oberdorfer reviews Rise Gold's published groundwater hydrology report for the Idaho-Maryland Mine. She tells us...
★ Sharon Delgado and Dianna Suarez: Water more precious than gold
Water is life. It's also a commodity. We pay $50-$70 an acre foot locally for untreated water; while southern Californians buying water...
★ No State Monitor for Mine
How will Rise Gold be held accountable for water discharge quality if the mine opens? Well...they'll self-test and write their own...
Barbara Raymond: Worried about fire impacts
Given the realities we're now facing with fires and drought, Barbara Raymond asks why we would take even the slightest chance of...
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