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Browse through or search our library of expert and community articles, presentations, and opinion pieces.
The views and opinions expressed here are those of the original creators and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of CEA Foundation or the MineWatch campaign.
Rise Gold’s Constitutional takings prospects - Dead on Arrival - CEA Foundation
Read the opinion and legal analysis. CEA Foundation's attorneys weighed in on the Rise Gold's threat of legal action against Nevada...
Press Release: CEA Foundation Weighs in on Rise Gold’s Vested Rights Petition
Claiming a ‘right to mine’ after a 67-Year closure is absurd. Local opposition leader CEA Foundation provided a review and analysis of...
Former B.C. mining mogul fined $30,000 for past environmental infractions
Recent Rise Gold CEO, Ben Mossman, was CEO and Mine Manager of Banks Island Gold in British Columbia in 2015 when environmental...
Man behind plan to reopen Grass Valley gold mine faced charges. Here are the verdicts.
"Ben Mossman, the man behind a controversial plan to reopen a shuttered gold mine in Grass Valley, has been found guilty of 13...
Rise Gold’s (Former) CEO found guilty on 13 counts in British Columbia retrial
"When people show you who they are, believe them the first time." Ben Mossman was found guilty of 13 charges related to discharging...
The Allegations in Rise's Complaint letter are Meritless
CEA Foundation attorneys analyzed Rise Gold's 164-page complaint letter claiming unfair treatment and lack of due process in reaction to...
Community Reacts to Rise Gold's Temper Tantrum
Rise Gold wasn't happy when Nevada County Planning Commissioners voted unanimously to recommend a NO vote on both the Idaho-Maryland Mine...
Earthshaking News: Planning Commission Rejects Mine
We won a pivotal victory! All five Planning Commissioners voted unanimously against the Idaho-Maryland Mine at the end of Nevada County's...
The County should deny the Idaho-Maryland Mine and should not certify the Final EIR
The County's Final Environmental and Economic Impact Reports have been published. On May 11, 2023, the Planning Commission voted...
John Vaughan, The mine: It’s not about economics, it’s about risk
This opinion piece was originally published in The Union. April 19. 2023 Since the beginning of 2022, like many other local people, I’ve...
Concerned Citizens Roundtable: Idaho-Maryland Mine propaganda vs. the truth
Rise Grass Valley’s advertising boasts the mine’s “minimal environmental impacts.” That’s like saying the Donner Party suffered only ants...
Bob Hubbard: Three gold mining stories tell different tales
Rise Gold wants approval for their project, so they tell three main stories: One about jobs, another about economics, and a third about...
★ Rise Gold Shouldn’t Be Trusted. Here’s Why.
Rise Gold CEO Ben Mossman's prior company polluted tribal waters, went bankrupt, and left Canadians with a bill to pay. Mossman is...
During the comment period for the Draft Environmental Impact Report, Rise Gold submitted 1,600 reply cards and form letters as “comments”...
A new gold rush pits money and jobs against California’s environment
Companies are seeking to open old mines and explore in new sensitive regions, amid resistance from Californians who want the Gold Rush to...
★ Community and Local Agencies find massive flaws in Idaho-Maryland Mine DEIR
Residents of Nevada County and local government agencies were shocked at the inadequacy of the 1000+ page Draft Environmental Impact...
A California gold mine’s toxic legacy: Inside the fight over reopening a treasure trove
For five years Rise Grass Valley has been trying to get a permit, but the people of Grass Valley are overwhelmingly rejecting the mine....
The Union | Don Rogers: Mine’s main ore is risk
Want to know where things stand in the proposal to reopen the Idaho-Maryland Mine? The Union's newspaper's publisher sums it up. Don...
Ken Bernstein: Look to the past to predict mine’s future if allowed
Reviewing Rise Gold CEO's past decisions, Ken concludes that "he is extremely unlikely to be a good steward of the operating permit for...
★ Mark Wilson: Questioning mine claims
Rise Gold promises a feast of plenty with protection for environment & health (take air, for instance), but a history of mismanagement...
Ralph Silberstein: DEIR and Rise Gold's Well Fantasies
CEA Foundation President, Ralph Silberstein weighs in on the DEIR, saying the issue is far from settled. "Looking into our crystal ball,...
Yasha Aginsky: The mine’s a rip-off project
The other day, I opened up my mailbox to find, as you probably did, a piece of fancy propaganda from Rise Grass Valley urging us to...
John Vaughan: Mr. Rogers’ neighborhood
While Mr. Rogers does not like Rise Gold’s advertising, he seems to believe that the science presented in the draft environmental impact...
Letter of Concern to BOS Re: Rise Gold letter
Rise Gold's sent mailers and letters to the community that included misleading statements. Following is a copy of a letter CEA Foundation...
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