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Browse through or search our library of expert and community articles, presentations, and opinion pieces.
The views and opinions expressed here are those of the original creators and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of CEA Foundation or the MineWatch campaign.
Jeff Kane: Reviving the Idaho-Maryland Mine - What a Deal!
Jeff Kane of Nevada City shares a hilarious conversation he "might have had" with someone he bumped into on the street Let me tell you...
Ariana Zimmerman: Reopening the mine is backward thinking
Ariana Zimmerman has a more progressive idea for bringing high-paying jobs to Grass Valley than degrading our community by reopening the...
Paul Schwartz: History warns against reopening mine
Paul Schwartz, who resides in Grass Valley, reminds us that the story of gold in this area is primarily one of exploitation. The impact...
Billy Packard: The murky waters of mining
Grass Valley resident Billy Packard was particularly disappointed about a recent article in The Union... and what WASN'T said pertaining...
Let The Mine Continue Sleeping
Is it really necessary to disrespect people who oppose the mine? Local resident Mary Anderson counters an opinion published in the Union...
How to Keep Mine Compliant?
The laws governing corporations are on the books. Unfortunately, enforcement of most laws is by "complaint only" in Nevada County. How...
Spinning Gold - The Rise of Misinformation - CEA Foundation
Rise Gold Corporation and its CEO Ben Mossman have followed a pattern of making false, incomplete, or misleading statements to investors...
Risks of reopening mine no joke
What if our wells go dry just like they did at the most recent mining operation in North San Juan? Tony Lauria writes for The Union about...
★ Bob Clark: Property Values At Risk
Grass Valley resident Bob Clark did his own research to learn whether his property value would suffer if Rise Gold opens the...
No Mine Protesters Oppose Reopening
Protestors gathered at the intersection of Brunswick Road and Sutton Way on Earth Day, April 22, 2021, creating quite an impressive...
Mine Would Add To Air Pollution
Nevada City resident Ray Bryars spells out the health risks we already face with our "F" rated air quality and makes a great case for why...
More Joy, Less Mining
GV Resident Heidi Zimmerman describes the insane disruption caused by Rise Gold during their exploratory phase and calls on the Board of...
Reopening a mine may spell disaster for our community
Read GV Resident Tony's Lauria's short, but powerful argument for why the dangers of the Mine outweigh any rights to a financial profit....
Do you live on top of the Idaho-Maryland Mine?
Rise Gold wants everyone to believe that people near the mine won't be affected by vibration or risk losing their wells, but a closer...
Avila Lowrance: Can't Afford to Reopen This Mine
How important is clean air, good water, and reliable power in your life? The proposed reopening of the Idaho-Maryland Mine puts all that...
Mercury Poisoning: Is This Pain Our Future?
On Nov. 30, 2020, I saw my specialist at UC San Francisco. I was given a new and updated diagnosis: peripheral neuropathy caused by...
How They're Beating Pebble Mine
Beating the Pebble Mine in Alaska is no small feat. It’s been going on for more than 10 years now. Big money and big politics are...
Is Rise Gold the Neighbor We Want?
In a full-page Christmas letter advertisement by Rise Gold’s Ben Mossman, he assured readers his gold mine won’t have any ill effect on...
The Mine - Community Vs. Corporate Interests
By Tom Behlmer, Grass Valley Resident January 22, 2021 Read this Opinion piece in The Union. Every once in a while, I run into someone in...
The Mine is a Top Focus in 2021 for The County
The Union’s front page article on New Year’s Day gave a run-down of the top four issues facing the County Supervisors in 2021, listing...
Letter to Rise Grass Valley President
By Martha Turner, Grass Valley Resident January 5, 2021 Dear Mr. Ben Mossman, president, Rise Grass Valley Inc.: How could I miss your...
Keep the Mine Out of The Community
By Ray Bryars December 11, 2020 The last few Nevada County supervisors meetings have seen an outpouring of concern about the possibility...
I won’t be investing in Rise Gold
By Bob Clark, Grass Valley Resident October 5, 2020 If you are thinking of buying shares of Rise Gold think again. As you probably know...
No gold mining at Idaho-Maryland Mine
As a resident whose property is bisected by South Wolf Creek, I write to express my vehement objection to approval of this gold mining...
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