Browse through or search our library of expert and community articles, presentations, and opinion pieces.
The views and opinions expressed here are those of the original creators and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of CEA Foundation or the MineWatch campaign.
★ Mark Wilson: Questioning mine claims
Bob Zuelsdorf: Less mining, more tech
Walt Froloff: Rise Gold’s proposal is a scam
David Heinen: The mine — risk and reward
Ralph Silberstein: DEIR and Rise Gold's Well Fantasies
Terry Boyles: The unforgivable loan
Jim Bair: Clear and independent voices against Rise Gold’s mining plans
Katharine Popenuk: Nothing settled about mine
Yasha Aginsky: The mine’s a rip-off project
John Vaughan: Mr. Rogers’ neighborhood
Rondal Snodgrass: At the least, make mine put up hefty bond
Jim Otto: Rise Gold Comedy Club
Cheryl Morris: Proposed mine causing collective anxiety
Don Rogers: Rise’s messaging less than golden
★ Ray Bryars: Questions about explosives at mine
★ Jeff Kane: Enjoy breathing? Consider the proposed mine
Robert A. Hubbard: Rise Gold emphasizes ‘best possible outcome’ for Noise
CEA Foundation Education - Our Take on the DEIR
★ 83 Negative Impacts. Oh My!
★ Paul Schwartz: Negative Impacts of IMM are too many to list
★ Randall J. Newsome: Thar’s gold in those promises?
Janet Weaver: Don’t repeat errors of the past with mine
Tony Lauria: What’s not in the mine report
Eric Zibbel: Another alternative to the mine