Browse through or search our library of expert and community articles, presentations, and opinion pieces.
The views and opinions expressed here are those of the original creators and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of CEA Foundation or the MineWatch campaign.
Deni Silberstein: Viewer Beware
Paul Schwartz: Incompatible uses
Jim Steinmann: Mine jobs – Harsh, few, and not for locals
Patricia Sharp: Save our town
Sharon Delgado: The mine is not good for children or other living things
Jan Weaver: School busses passing proposed mine
John Vaughan: The tale of a wolf, and a gold mine
Ray Bryars: Economic Impact Report
★ Rise Gold Shouldn’t Be Trusted. Here’s Why.
★ Community and Local Agencies find massive flaws in Idaho-Maryland Mine DEIR
The Union | Don Rogers: Mine’s main ore is risk
Terry Lamphier: Mine our green, not our gold
Earth Justice Ministries: A spiritual and moral perspective on reopening the mine
Terry McLaughlin: Still not convinced mine should reopen
★ Greenhouse Gas Emissions Threshold - The Case For 'Net Zero'
Ken Bernstein: Look to the past to predict mine’s future if allowed
John Vaughan: Alternatives not considered
Ray Bryars: A small aircraft airport, really?
★ David J. Whitehead: Mine would undermine climate change solutions
Jeff Kane: Nevada County sidewalk conversation
★ A close look at Rise Gold's Job Claims
Jonathan Keehn: The Siskon Mine well disaster - quick read
Tony Lauria: Mining history is rife with harmful effects