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Browse through or search our library of expert and community articles, presentations, and opinion pieces.
The views and opinions expressed here are those of the original creators and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of CEA Foundation or the MineWatch campaign.
MineWatch Meeting Sept 2023- VESTED RIGHTS
The MineWatch Community Meeting in September was a rare in-person event. View the recording below or download the PDF below for a quick...
Mine Waste and Asbestos Impacts
The Final EIR lacks the data needed to assess the impacts of airborne asbestos and the management plan is inadequate. March 14, 2023...
Why Say No To The Idaho-Maryland Mine?
Quick Read: Summary of key reasons to say no to the mine — researched and validated by CEA Foundation/MineWatch researchers. Nevada...
Centennial Site: Understand The Issue
Rise Gold owns the toxic Centennial Site near downtown Grass Valley and is obligated to clean it up. That’s good for the community, but...
Wells and Groundwater Public Comments
CEA Foundation, San Juan Ridge Taxpayers Association, and The Wells Coalition (a group of well owners near the Idaho-Maryland Mine),...
Idaho-Maryland Mine Greenhouse Gas Emissions Are Significant
The Final EIR uses an unsupportable, obsolete threshold measure to justify its conclusion that the mine’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emission...
The Centennial Clean-Up Must Be Included in the EIR
The Final EIR for Rise Gold’s Idaho-Maryland Mine Project is significantly flawed because it does not include the plans to cleanup the...
Legal Background Supporting Denial of Idaho Maryland Mine FEIR Certification and Project
The following background was prepared by attorneys Shute, Mihaly, and Weinberger who represent CEA Foundation on our mine project...
Nevada County General Plan Goals and Policies Justify Denial of the Idaho Maryland Mine
The Idaho Maryland Mine project is inconsistent with numerous Nevada County General Plan goals and policies which provide justification...
Mine Waste and the Water Pollution Problem
The Final EIR for Rise Gold’s Idaho-Maryland Mine is inadequate because it fails to address the potentially significant impact of mine...
★ 312 Jobs? Not What It Seems. Look Closer.
The Mine promises 312 jobs, but a prior economic study suggests 1/2 would come from out of area, and "doing nothing" would bring more jobs.
Idaho-Maryland Mine Mineral Rights Map
Wondering where the Mine is? Are the mineral rights under your feet? Check out these helpful maps. General map Parcels in the vicinity of...
DEIR EXPLAINER - MineWatch January 2022 Meeting
Hundreds of people signed up to hear coalition experts talk about the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) in our January webinar. If...
How To Write DEIR Comments
Authored by CEA Foundation Now Is the Time: Let the County Know What YOU Think About the Mine and the Draft Environmental Impact Report...
★ Take Action: Comment on Environmental Impact Report
The long-awaited environmental report for the proposed Idaho-Maryland Mine is out and we have until April 4 to comment. Also known as a...
MineWatch December Meeting 2021 - AIR Impacts
Special Guest Speaker and Respiratory Therapist, Pam Heard takes a detailed look at Rise Gold's reports as they relate to air pollutants...
Safeguards for Well Owners and the Idaho-Maryland Mine- CEA Foundation
What should the County do to protect well owners if the mine reopens? A lot. This research report tells us what was done in the past and...
Rise Gold Investors Beware: Idaho-Maryland Mine Unlikely Before 2034
Investors often think gold is a safer choice, but even if the stars align, it's unlikely Rise Gold could process their first ounce before...
CEA Comments on Centennial Cleanup Plan
We all want the Centennial Site cleaned up, but the proposed plan only prepares the site for dumping more mine waste and wants to destroy...
Energy ROI: We Can Do Better - Martin Webb
A YES vote for the mine is a NO vote for climate change. Virtually any other industry could provide a better return on investment. See...
MineWatch August Meeting 2021 - Energy ROI.
Special Guest Speaker Martin Webb explains how just about any other industry could provide a greater return on investment to our...
Introductory Presentation for Community Groups
Take 15 minutes to learn why this community is so concerned about the proposed reopening of the Idaho-Maryland Mine. Sit back, relax, and...
Comment Collection: Cleanup Plan for the Centennial Site - CEA Foundation
Once again, Rise Gold’s attempts to greenwash a bad project have been revealed. They’re pitching the Centennial Site cleanup as a benefit...
MineWatch June Meeting 2021 - Precious Headwaters
Precious Headwaters: Potential Impacts of the Idaho Maryland Mine to the Plants, Animals and Aquatic Habitats of the Wolf Creek Watershed...
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