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Browse through or search our library of expert and community articles, presentations, and opinion pieces.
The views and opinions expressed here are those of the original creators and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of CEA Foundation or the MineWatch campaign.
Peter Burnes: Enough gold for 600 years
"The World Gold Council says there is about 208,874 metric tonnes of gold already above ground, [largely] sitting in vaults, doing...
Why Say No To The Idaho-Maryland Mine?
Quick Read: Summary of key reasons to say no to the mine — researched and validated by CEA Foundation/MineWatch researchers. Nevada...
★ A close look at Rise Gold's Job Claims
Local resident Katherine Popenuk did some homework on "average" mining salaries. They don't align with Rise Gold's promises. The...
Jonathan Keehn: The Siskon Mine well disaster - quick read
Reopening this local mine ruined wells over two square miles in San Juan Ridge. Months of flooding scoured a creek down to bedrock -...
Idaho-Maryland Mine Mineral Rights Map
Wondering where the Mine is? Are the mineral rights under your feet? Check out these helpful maps. General map Parcels in the vicinity of...
Fast Facts: Risk to Wells
Watch a short video (4:30) featuring CEA Foundation President, Ralph Silberstein as he talks about the risks to wells in a MineWatch...
Fast Facts: Western US Megadrought Worst in 1200 Years
The American West’s megadrought deepened so much last year that it is now the driest in at least 1,200 years and is a worst-case climate...
Water - a key reason the last attempt to open mine failed
A little over a decade ago, a company named Emgold tried to reopen the Idaho-Maryland Mine and failed. The consultant who authored the...
Fast Facts: Impact on Endangered Species
If the Idaho-Maryland Mine reopens, the Centennial site that harbors the endangered Pine Hill flannelbush and other plants will be...
Fast Facts: Power Use for Mine Ventilation
A large exhaust fan drawing will move air out of the mine 24 hours a day Air from the mine will be exhausted through the mine’s headframe...
Fast Facts: Mine Dewatering, Wells & NID
There are around 300 wells that could be impacted by dewatering of the mine “Before exploration and mining can proceed, the volume of...
Fast Facts: Aesthetics
Many people are concerned about the impact of the reopening of the mine as it relates to aesthetics. Here are a few facts pulled from...
Fast Facts: Hazardous Materials
Significant amounts of hazardous materials such as explosives and toxic chemicals will be utilized and stored onsite if the...
Air Pollution Kills 3x more than Covid
While COVID ravaged across the world, air pollution killed about three times as many people. We must fight climate change with the same...
Fast Fact: One Diesel-Polluting Truck Every 5 to 10 Minutes
Did you know that large noisy gravel hauling trucks will run an average of 100 trips (one way) per day, and up to 200 trips? Running 16...
stats: negative effects of gold mining
Gold mining relies heavily on the use of toxic chemicals and produces so much waste that it is hard to grasp. View staggering statistics...
Another failing grade for Nevada County’s ‘State of the Air’ report
By Cory Fisher - The Union The American Lung Association’s 20th annual State of the Air report revealed that once again California...
In March, 2018, RISE was cited for failing to obtain a Timberland Conversion Permit
QUICK FACT (as per CCR 1103.1 Conversion of Timberland). Two citations were issued: Violation of Section 4581 (PRC) – to the landowner...
Rise Gold - More Violations
FAST FACT In addition to the County grading violations, Idaho-Maryland Mine owner RISE Gold Corp failed to submit the required timber...
Update of Rise Grading Violations
FAST FACT The grading work that was done was reportedly not in conformance with the submitted plans, resulting in failed inspections...
Idaho-Maryland Mine Grading Protections Inadequate
QUICK FACT Local advocates from Wolf Creek Community Alliance (WCCA) and CEA noticed grading work to create a road and pad on a parcel...
A New Mine Owner
FAST FACTS The Idaho-Maryland Mine was acquired from Emgold Mining by Rise Gold Corp, another junior mining company from Canada. The new...
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