Browse through or search our library of expert and community articles, presentations, and opinion pieces.
The views and opinions expressed here are those of the original creators and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of CEA Foundation or the MineWatch campaign.
Peter Burnes: Enough gold for 600 years
Why Say No To The Idaho-Maryland Mine?
★ A close look at Rise Gold's Job Claims
Jonathan Keehn: The Siskon Mine well disaster - quick read
Idaho-Maryland Mine Mineral Rights Map
Fast Facts: Risk to Wells
Fast Facts: Western US Megadrought Worst in 1200 Years
Water - a key reason the last attempt to open mine failed
Fast Facts: Impact on Endangered Species
Fast Facts: Power Use for Mine Ventilation
Fast Facts: Mine Dewatering, Wells & NID
Fast Facts: Aesthetics
Fast Facts: Hazardous Materials
Air Pollution Kills 3x more than Covid
Fast Fact: One Diesel-Polluting Truck Every 5 to 10 Minutes
stats: negative effects of gold mining
Another failing grade for Nevada County’s ‘State of the Air’ report
In March, 2018, RISE was cited for failing to obtain a Timberland Conversion Permit
Rise Gold - More Violations
Update of Rise Grading Violations
Idaho-Maryland Mine Grading Protections Inadequate
A New Mine Owner